the frogs
upon a sur day a frog said to e, ot;i fear t urbed by our nig;
and e ans;ell, do t annoy our silence durg talkg?ot;
t;let not fet t oo ucot;
and e ans;let not fet t tter and s overuc;
said t; t tter and s overuc;
said t; turbs t;
and e replied, ot;aye, and ician and t and tist ;
t;ell, let be better t be iet at nigs, even tars for our r least, let be silent for a nigsot;
and e said, ot;very iful ;
t nig; and t t al, and aga upon t
and stran to rete, talkative on t ted to ;i slept ts i t sung nos; and i a alost addened ;
turned to e and said, addened ?ot;
and e ans;yes, t o cease our sgg for t of t needs fill tess ;
and t nig va for tars for their rhy
and e ans;ell, do t annoy our silence durg talkg?ot;
t;let not fet t oo ucot;
and e ans;let not fet t tter and s overuc;
said t; t tter and s overuc;
said t; turbs t;
and e replied, ot;aye, and ician and t and tist ;
t;ell, let be better t be iet at nigs, even tars for our r least, let be silent for a nigsot;
and e said, ot;very iful ;
t nig; and t t al, and aga upon t
and stran to rete, talkative on t ted to ;i slept ts i t sung nos; and i a alost addened ;
turned to e and said, addened ?ot;
and e ans;yes, t o cease our sgg for t of t needs fill tess ;
and t nig va for tars for their rhy